Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ham on Rye

"Aunt Katie, ya know how you're going to New Delhi?", "yes".  "Don't forget to try the ham on rye!!"  And so I am here, "trying the ham on rye."  I left The America's yesterdayish, 2 days ago-ish??  Who knows. I feel like I am in a time warp (gotta put my hands on my hips...!!) I spent a fantastic week with part of the most fantastic family on earth, being shown all of the ol' Marman church stuff and it was, to sum up in one word...AMAZING!!  It felt so strange to leave Pennsylvania knowing I wasn't going home, and won't be for a long time.  Well, I am off to bed... I think? Or is it taking a nap?  Grrrr....I'll figure it out!


1 comment:

  1. We are glad you arrived safe, and are looking forward to reading of your adventures. Love the PA Hardings
